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5 Successful Social Media Tips

Try these tips today for a better social media presence tomorrow!

When it comes to social media, there are ways to expedite the process of getting more likes, comments and making it an enjoyable process for you. Our hope is that these 5 tips will help!

“Don't be afraid to mix it up”

#1: Develop a schedule

The #1 reason we see clients fall off the wagon and stop posting on social media is due to the lack of a schedule. It does not have to be super complicated, but creating a social media schedule will help you to see what you need to post that week and maybe even that month if you have enough content. Once you create this calendar, stick with it!!! We promise that by holding yourself accountable and making this schedule, you will feel so much more confident when it comes to managing your social media.

#2: Be Consistent

How does the saying go?... "consistency is key" Well that rings true on your social media. If you've followed step 1, now it's time to actually do it. Create the content you set out to do and post when you have scheduled it. If you have trouble posting at the exact time, then you can pre-schedule your posts to go out days or even weeks in advance.

#3: Educate

Take a page out of the Hawk Visuals Rulebook. Educate your followers! Not only should you show them what you do, but tell them what you do and how you do it. Don't worry about people finding out your "secrets." We promise that people will remember you for giving away useful free information as it relates to your industry. This will in turn make you the expert in your field.

#4: Mix up your platforms

We get it...there's a million platforms to post your content to. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, the list goes on and on. Now we are not saying to post at every one, but pick a variety of platforms and test them out. See what your engagement is and how you can create custom content for each one of these platforms. Our thinking is that you never know where your fan base or client base is and so increase your chances of finding them by posting on multiple social media platforms.

#5: Show your personality

How many times have you seen or heard the typical sales pitch from a company? It gets boring quick and they usually don't come across as authentic. BE AUTHENTIC! Show your followers your personality a bit. Whether it's on video or some photos of your favorite lunch spot, don't be afraid to show your personal side a bit. It makes you more relatable and approachable.

While these 5 social media habits will help you feel more confident, it comes down to what works best for you.

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